Lost Cat, Help! The Story of Morfeo’s Adventure, part 1

I get calls from Italian cat owners or guardians asking for advice for one cat related problem or another.  About a month ago, I’m contacted by a gattara friend, Giulia (pronounced Julia), who needed advice for a friend’s pet cat that had  been missing a day. Since it seemed apparent that the housecat was not a roamer but a strictly indoor cat, I later received a call from Martina.

Only a loving pet owner who’s pets have ran off or just (poof!) have disappeared can relate to that sense of anxiety that creeps over.  Martina was very polite, rational and yet the conversation was tinged with desperation.

As I ran through a checklist of questions, I sensed that Martina was getting a  grasp on what she had to do and where she had to look for Morfeo, her adored Persian cat. Plan A is time sensitive: house cats gone missing can usually  be found in 24-72 hours.  Plan B: is essentially word-of-mouth and flyer postings of the missing cat. It took about 15mins to explain everything  and Martina was practically out the door searching as we hung up on the phone.  She and her family truly hoped that the cat would’ve just returned on his own.

Next week:  Part 2, Found! The Story of Morfeo’s Adventure

Morfeo, the lost & found red Persian

TIPS –  Plan A when looking for a lost housecat
Get a cat carrier, flashlight, towel/blanket, 2 cans of favorite catfood.
Dress comfortably and take 3 deep breaths.  Plan to search in every nook and cranny in the area inside and outside of the house. Frightened cats either go ‘down’ into cellars,  garages, sheds. Or they go ‘up’ into trees, up apartment building stairs to the top floor, into attics.

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